It declared that the harbour is to be protected and preserved as a special public asset and a natural heritage of Hong Kong people, and for that purpose there shall be a presumption against reclamation. 法案规定,维多利亚港将被作为香港人民的特殊公共资产和自然遗产加以保护和保留,出于这一目的,将适用一个反对填海的推定。
Under some special conditions, however, the accused also should be responsible for proving he or she is innocence, which is not contradictory to presumption of innocence. 但在特殊的情况下,被告方也要承担证明自己无罪的责任,这与无罪推定并不矛盾。
The principle regulations may include: the standard of criminal presumption identification, no second presumption rule, the special consideration of penalty when applying presumption. The principle regulations aim to be used as a basis when applying presumption. 刑事推定规则的原则性规定涉及:刑事推定的识别标准,禁止二次推定,适用推定案件量刑的特别考虑等内容,目的在于对刑事推定有个基础性的规定,作为适用推定时的基准。
For the tort litigation about environmental pollution and damage is very special and diversity, our Civil Procedure Law has ruled special rules, for example, the burden of proof is inversed, Causation presumption and so on. 鉴于环境侵权与环境侵权诉讼的特殊性和复杂多样性,我国现行的民事诉讼规则就此规定了举证责任倒置和因果关系推定的内容。
Forth, the paper shows some special certification rules in environmental pollution torts, which conclude three rules: no-fault liability principle, the presumption of a causal relationship and the role of the conclusions. 接着,本文分析了环境污染侵权诉讼中的证明规则,主要就四种规则进行说明:无过错责任原则、过错责任原则、因果关系的推定原则和举证责任倒置原则。
Most of the special tort liabilities are based upon the three principles of fault liability, presumption of fault liability and no-fault liability. 各种的特殊侵权责任基本上按照过错责任、过错推定和无过错责任这三项归责原则展开。